Attack on Titan is set in a world where humanity lives inside cities surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from the gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans; the story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to exterminate the Titans after a Titan brings about the destruction of his hometown and the death of many loved ones. This anime still makes me so sad, whenever I watch and read it. It is written so beautifully, and its storyline is so intricate. And watching the characters struggle and grow through their losses makes the watcher feel like they themselves are experiencing it alongside them. Just warning you though, if you watch this never use the thought "they are protected by the plot..", to cope. You will not expect half of the things that happen on this show.
Jujutsu Kaisen is made by the same animation studio as Attack on Titan, and if you watch it you will notice the amazingly realistic animation style. The animation is just the chef's kiss to the excellently written storyline, and complex characters. Jujutsu Kaisen blends action and adventure with the perfect pinch of horror. And it is about Jujutsu Sorcerers (trained wizards that use Cursed Magic), who fight Curses (beings of pure evil born out of human malice). The story follows Yuji Itadori, an easygoing high school student who joins the occult club at school. When they accidentally summon grotesque creatures by messing with a cursed object, Itadori fights to save his friends' lives, and ends up getting a hold of the cursed object. A sorcerer, drawn to the school by the dangerous object, reveals that it grants powerful cursed energy when swallowed. Desperate to save everyone, Itadori swallows the talisman—a decomposed finger. As a result, he’s possessed by Sukuna, the king of curses, and his life changes forever.Its really good, and bonus; it has strong female main characters, who fight their own battles.
To be honest, a lot of people tend to find Tower of God boring because of the amount of details and the intricicy of the storyline ( very similar to Attack on Titan in fact ), but to the people who have watched it through and read the whole webtoon, you understand that with this anime, you cannot expect ANYTHING. This anime crosses over the themes of love,lies,and trust. Who can you really trust? And what is the real story. While watching this you'll learn to not beleive anything you see, at least not without proof. And with such a complex, amazingly written storyline, the backround designs and animation only brings the world more to life. The characters are all so different, yet bonded by their effort to climb the seemingly endless tower. All with baggage of their own. Tower of God centers around a boy named Bam, who has spent most of his life trapped beneath a vast and mysterious Tower with noone and nothing except his one "savior", Rachel, to keep him company. When Rachel decides to enter the Tower, and leave Bam, Bam is devasted. Which causes him to follow her up the tower, not realizing the significance of himself and his origins. This series got me hooked because it has some of the most unique and creative world building in any series that I have seen. A ton of concepts in TOG are entirely unique, and that is part of the reason that i love it so much.
As someone who doesn't enjoy extremly prolonged animes, Hunter x Hunter is definietly worth the watch. It's addictive, interesting, varied and entertaining in every sense of the word. And It really is an anime that has something for everyone. The series does a fantastic job at keeping its viewers engaged, time will fly by as you watch most episodes and you'll find yourself breezing through the show. The story focuses on a young boy named Gon Freecss, who discovers that his father, who he was told had left him at a young age, is actually a world renowned Hunter, a licensed profession for those who specialize in it. Despite being abandoned by his father, Gon departs upon a journey to follow in his footsteps, to pass the rigorous Hunter Exam, and eventually find his father. Along the way, Gon meets various other Hunters. The storyline of this anime crosses over the theme of Grey Morality. Showing that the heroes of the show are capable of villainous actions, and that the villains are capable of being heroic. Hunter x Hunter shows that the interchangeability of good and evil are a result of the opening or the closing of one's heart.
To end off these recomendations I give you an anime you might understand a bit better. Moriarty the Patriot is a story told from the view point of William James Moriarty, Sherlock Holmes's Mortal Enemy. In the late 19th century, the British Empire has become a global power. Due to the strict class stratification, the average citizen has little chance of successfully rising up to the top, where the despicable nobility rules over them all. After Albert Moriarty's family adopts two orphans, William James and Louis James, he learns that they share a common hatred for the corrupt British nobility. And with William James calling himself a "crime consultant". They scheme together to kill Albert's cruel blood related brother, also named William, burn down the family estate, and then start a new life together aimed at using illegal means to destroy the class system which had plagued the country for centuries. Its a pretty interesting show, with many plot twists. And its even more humorous to watch the show from the perspective of William, who is always one step ahead of all of the characters.